




倘如以上分析可以被读者所接受,那么,把慈善作为一种“商品”就可以被理解,进而思考,“买方定价”便是慈善的一个重要特征。影响买方定价的两个重要因素是:目标价格或目标成本(Target Price/Cost);参考价格(Benchmarked Price)。

以企业和公众人物捐赠为例:捐多少;什么时候捐;在什么场合捐;以什么方式捐;向什么组织捐?如此等等,都是重要的考量因素,否则,在舆论中,很容易落个“吃力不讨好”的结果 — 我想这不应该是捐赠者所期望的误解。虽然慈善本身并不对慈善的方式做如此细致的规定,但作为一种社会行为,慈善不得不接受这样的社会评判。


据“传言”称,马云认为:对眼下的中国企业家来说,最大的善举不在捐款,而是搞好自己的企业。 其依据是:“第一,你要为社会承担责任,你的企业提供的服务、生产的产品要对社会负责;第二,你得依法纳税,不要逃税漏税;第三,即使有钱了,你也不一定就得着急捐出去,可以好好扩大投资,把企业做得更好更大,增加更多的就业机会,让社会的财富滚动起来,等你60岁、70岁的时候再把自己的财富捐出去也不迟。”






















Following the successful stories like Bangalore International Tech Park, Suzhou Industrial Park, Dalian Tech Park and etc. Ascendas planned to invest more than 3.5 billion RMB to build Singapore Hangzhou Science & Technology Park, which is focusing on BPO, ITO, KPO, Bio-Tech, R&D, Industrial Design, Professional Service and Incubators.

I am dreaming and proposing to build "Four Centers" to feature this park as below:

* 中国科技研发中心

After decades' development, Chinese companies must improve their R&D ability, South Korea and Japan's development should be the best examples that Chinese companies need to learn from, otherwise, it's not easy for China to keep consistent and continuing rapid growth. We hope to build an international standard R&D center for both MNCs and Chinese companies.

* 中国经济交流中心

We are planning to invite hundreds Chinese cities to set up representative offices there, the reason is very simple. City government are trying their best to attract investment, however, most of them don't know how to package their projects and do city marketing, the center can provide a place for the cities to do City Exhibition and Projects Introduction, at the meantime, tons of investors may eyes on this center to find projects. China must boom it's domestic economy and shift from investment & export lead towards domestic consumption lead to mitigate the risk of global fluctuation. The center will play an important role for that.

* 中国电子商务中心

It's no doubt that E-Biz will take a more and more important role in the future world economy, Hangzhou is the hometown of Ablibaba and many other E-Biz companies, that's why it has the foundation to do so.

* 中国工业设计中心

Industrial design is vital part of R&D for next generation's development of Chinese economy. Product Concepts Design and Industrial Design of the products' appearance may be a great help for Chinese manufacturers to do innovation. Most of Chinese companies failed for marketing, branding, and design, this is an evidence for the great potential in this area in China.

Why is Hangzhou?

1.Center of Chinese private enterprises

2.Lead of Chinese manufacture

3.Pioneer of Chinese E-Commerce

4.Well structured center of history, economy and culture; sound international reputation

5.Important center & bridge of Chinese economy and international business

6.Located at one of the Chinese talents pools; featured by its exclusive culture, history and economy basis

7.Featured by its outstanding location for both domestic and international business

8.After decades’ rapid development, Zhejiang needs an integrated system, which consists advanced R&D, efficient communication & exchange and modern industrial facilities

9.Advantage of Backwardness based on the experience of technology and industrial parks in Suzhou, Shanghai, Dalian and etc.

10.Government support

Your inputs and advices are much appreciated.

Nice Day Yeah

Nice Day Yeah
The illogical formulation: I need to prove myself first before I can get a chance to prove it
These days are quite interesting, I have met a South Africa woman, who told me that South Africa is not so dangerous as the medias told, as a consideration, I told her an old Chinese saying: beautiful wife can't cook without rice; I have met the senior vice president of of Melco, the reason is simple, coz she invited me to have an interview for the VP position, however, I need to prove that I am qualified to take the chance to prove my capability. The interesting talk between us should be like that, "my personal connections and resources are quite limited, that's why I am applying for a senior level job rather than a junior one, since then i can integrate and leverage others' resources and connections." - increditable..ridiculous -- anyway, that's kevin..
The simple cases told me that i was strong or feeling strong of myself when I was talking to them, especially, I said "no" when the SVP consulted me whether do i have some interest to consider a position such as director or managers. It's also an evidence to prove the theory that the strongest one is who can say "take it or loose it" firstly.
Anyway, that's all for a simple fun, the concerns on the seniors' side are always the same, which means that i need to provide a track-record to prove myself, the problem is that i need a chance to creat my track-record... if all of you don't lend me money, how do you know my credit...serious....my credit seems bad...Gosh
I am trying to overcome and enlarge the "comfortable zone" in my mind... To be a brave man without dread...never care about my "face" lah...Nothing at all...
喝醉了以后,还能想些什么?是纯纯的爱,还是飘飘的愁?- You never know what's it untile you have really got drunk - that's kevin as well
must go home lah...

The Future of China

多政策目标下的迷失 - 活着是为了什么?

Go back to "The Future of China"

I would like to focus on the following areas: Pre-Condition; Economy; Culture; Politics; General Issues


  • Stability of politics is the first tier pre-condition to discuss "The Future of China" ;

  • Stability of economics is the second tier pre-condition;

  • No 3rd-World War is the third pre-condition.

What does China need to sacrifice for the three pre-conditions according to the priorities?

1. To manage the "big boat" like China, temporary/a reasonable period of centralized regime is for sure; (Fortune 500 MNCs can't do decentralization until their subsidiaries have really grown-up); the same to China, the central government can only empower the local governments and departments step by step, which may cause a lot of inconveniences to the people and other organizations - I call it as a cost of system/organization. If we have no better system/regime to take-over, then we must accept it. History and current situation told that, China needs to accept it for a while.)

2. "Human rights" and "democracy". It's no doubt that "centralized regime" may have a negative impact on "human rights" and "democracy" in some degree, however, you can also find that "human rights", "democracy" and "freedom" are the targets of country development. - We need to bear hungry, uptight, lower living-quality, others' laughers and etc when we are trying to create a great job at the very beginning, since we are a team. Freedom and democracy is a result of comparison, each kind of system may have its limits.

3. High supervision and administration cost. People and companies are required to get many “stamps” from different government departments when they are planning to do some business in China, which have also driven me crazy and criticizing the governments and departments. What will happen if it’s as easy as registering a company in Virgin Island in China? The current tax system, fiscal system and other systems must be cracked; China economy must be in chaos. We can’t do something “good” but out of control at a specific time.

4. Military and international role. Sun Zi, the eldest militarist in China, said that “never expect others won’t attack you, instead of that, do get prepared to tell them can’t do that”. Based on this philosophy, China must have a reasonable strong power in military. China will play a more important role in world economy, through this; the world may have a better understanding of China. From my perspective, the first step is that, China needs to tell the world that they need to have some interest in EAST. The left part of the world has no need to be afraid about China’s growth, since Chinese, the country and the people are humble and kind to the world as I know, such kind of culture has been existed for thousands of years. China’s international influence can be an exceptional stream to balance the world structure.


Based on my research and thoughts, I consider the following areas are keys for China in the coming decades:

1. Outbound-Globalization.

China has joined WTO for 7 years, reviewing these years, China is glorying in its good performance in export and FDI, and however, China hasn’t got too many successful outbound-globalization cases. Outbound-globalization is a compulsory course and option in front of China and the Chinese companies to win their international positions.

2. Finance system/industry.

The recent economy crisis and recession has demonstrated the importance of finance. The products’ movement is much slower than capital; finance industry is a ligament for a country’s economy. There is a long way to go for China’s finance industry and finance system reformation.

3. R&D – Innovation.

“Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.” Creative and innovative mind is the engine for development.


Culture is the “GOD”; GOD is a “CULTURE”. Re-structure and form the unique Chinese culture.

1. Middle class. A large and stable “middle class” is the foundation for a mature and stable social culture basis.

2. Education. Deliver and cultivate knowledge and culture.

The target of culture development is that: Chinese people are loving themselves and proud of themselves in mind are on appearance – Find themselves.


Regime reformation. It’s not only the west that knows the limitations and shortcomings of the current Chinese regime; the government has detected that from the very beginning. Mr. Deng Xiaoping has pointed out the regime reformation as the vital factor for China’s success, the classical saying is that: “CPC’s enemy is herself.” Roman was not built in one day, let’s wait and see how it is going.


Pollution/environment protection; freedom, human rights, democracy; the gap between rich and poverty……

Take development as the solution to resolve the problems raised in development. – Do excise everyday to keep fit, the damaged skin, exhausted energy, the cut hair, lost teeth and etc. will be renewed naturally.

Inspirational Quote

Four Lessons on Life
1. Never take down a fence until you know why it was put up.
2. If you get too far ahead of the army, your soldiers may mistake you for the enemy.
3. Don't complain about the bottom rungs of the ladder; they helped to get you higher.
4. If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm.
Warren Wiersbe

4Cs: China, Commodities, Currencies, Correction -- ATCA Open and Philanthropia Socratic Dialogue

1. China

What is China; what is the Chinese market? Does re-adjustment matter?

Yes, Chinese market is one of the most dynamic markets over the world, predictions are usually like gambling, because there are so many influctuation and re-adjustment - a youth's future is unpredictable.

The model of "borrowing money for consumption" may not be the philosophy for current Chinese people; high saving rate may off-set a lot of consuming powers in the domestic market. I just assumed this is one key reason why does Chinese government and people are focusing more on export to drive the economy growth. This phenomena wont be changed very soon, thus to continue the economy growth in the slowdown period, fiscal policy will take the most important role - government investment into infrastrcuture development, however, the expected result is domestic marketing booming.

I think the people in China or overseas don't need to worry about China's economic and political re-adjustment, because recent years development has demonstrated that the government and the enterprises have found the right directions most of the time; the re-adjustment should promote the Chinese economy to a better situation.

2. Commodities

The international commodity market is more divese than Chinese ecnomy, since the investors in this area have no consistent strategies. The fluctuation of international commodities has caused and will cause a lot of uncertainty to Chinese economy. It seems that the commodity market has been managed by some finance giants rather than the market itself.

The greatest challenge derived from commodities' market is China's pricing structure for some specific products - oil, gas, electricity and etc., which have strong impact on demostic market related to CPI, PPI. - it's a key index to indicate people's living quality.

3. Currencies

Many people feel nervous about China's USD assests and RMB's appreciation.

a. China has changed its foreign currencies' portfolio, which has reduced the percentage of USD assests;

b. For a country like China, the analysis of foreign assests shouldn't be the same as for a company, since China must hold enough/a reasonable amount of USD assest for many kinds of reasons, furthermore, USD won't be always weak as today.

c. China's development needs RMB's appreciation, otherwise, China may suffer a great CPI increase. Chinese people need to be more rich aline with Chinese economy growth; Chinese people/professionals need to get an international income standard. There are two ways to ahieve that: one is to add Chinese workers's salary annually with a rapid growth; the other one is RMB's appreciation.

Cost advantage shouldn't be an advantage forever, otherwise, China is "poor" forever and other "third world countries" won't find their future.

4. Correction

In my opinion, China's industrial innovation & upgrade and finance system development are the critical factors in the coming years.

"Correction." What's that? Beside the reduction of interest rate, Chinese market needs a more comprehensive finance product-mix.

I believe that there is a great market potential for finance service in China.

Has the American style "Free Capitalistic Economy" totaly failed or is there a middle path between "Capitalistic & Socialistic"

We can't give a stone to the dog in the well, everything has two sides - Double Blade Sword.

Free-Market-Economy needs three foundations to support:

First is that there is a well structured rules, everything can run predictably;

Second is that no asymmetry information, the transaction cost is ZERO;

Third is that the participators are mature enough and equally, which means that they know the equal information and have common knowledge to do decision.

Rationality assumption is living with a real situation that is limited-rationality.

When the market haven't met these assumptions, maybe, as you said there should be "middle path" in place to manage the market, which is probably the hand of macro policy and supervision.

BTW: As Deng Xiao Ping said, "Capitalistic & Socialistic" is not a good way to discuss economy policy. In my opinion, the difference between "Capitalistic & Socialistic" is mainly related to the regimes' vision, mision ,and some times, property right's belonging.

As i have mentioned in some other place, COMMUNIST is not only the goal for socialistic countries, but the goal for the human beings, though it's not clear and practical enough at sight.

Most important Chinese leader of past century

It's a had question to answer, since they did have played a critical role in different period of time.

1. Yat-sen
2. Mao Tse-Tung

3. Deng Xiaoping

4. Chiang Kai-shek

Sun Zhong Shan and Mao Ze Dong were mainly focusing on finding out the right direction;

De Xiao Ping is a creative architect to translate the great vision of CPC into strategic plans / blue print;

Jiang Ze Min (Chiang) is the executor of China's open-to-the-world policy;

Now, Hu Jing Tao and premier Wen are managing the most stable reformation period of China;

China's next generation leaders will focus on political and social improvement, of course, economy is also the main story and foundation for the whole country.

Relay racers are all important for the game, aren't they?

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